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The extreme danger faced by the children of Maasai people on their daily school journey.

Feumaidh a' chlann san t-sreath seo coiseachd, sreap neo snàmh ann an suidheachaidhean cunnartach air an t-slighe gu sgoil. Chan eil eagal orra bho fhuachd sgriosail neo bho thìr chunnartach. Thig orra strì an aghaidh tuiltean agus seasamh ri beathaichean fiadhaich. Chan eil aca ach aon amas: foghlam a nì leasachadh air am beatha.

Ach 's e slighe dàna agus cunnartach a th' aca. 'S ann aig a' chloinn seo a tha na slighean gu sgoil as cunnartaiche air thalamh – agus cuid dhen fheadhainn as bòidhche cuideachd. Còrr air trithead ceum Celsius, cas-rùisgte, agus a' coiseachd barrachd air fichead cilemeatair. Do chlann nam Maasai, chan eil an seo ach an t-slighe àbhaisteach dhan sgoil. Air an rathad dhan sgoil, thèid iad tarsainn air Savanna Dorn seachad air tuirc-nimhe agus hianaichean.

Thèid iad seachad air an aon thùs uisge, Abhainn Pangani. Ach tha cunnart an-sin cuideachd bho chrogaill suas ri ceithir meatair de dh'fhaid. Nuair nach eil fear an aisig ann, feumaidh iad snàmh tarsainn. Tha seo airson aon amas a choilionadh; a dhol dhan sgoil. Cha chùm fiù 's na suidheachaidhean as dorra a' clann seo às an sgoil. Beathaichean fiadhaich, teas, astar fada – seasaidh a' chlann seo riutha. 'S e sin an aon chothrom a th' aca air briseadh air falbh bho bhochdainn is acras.

Tha clann nam Maasai a' fuireach ann an clachain gun sgoiltean. Chan eil togalaichean neo luchd-teagasg rim faotainn. Nas miosa buileach, 's e sluagh iniltearach a th' annta, a bhios a' gluasad gu cunbhalach. Cho luath 's a dh'itheas an crodh an fheur, togaidh iad orra gu àiteigin eile. Cha bhi sgoil sa chlachan ùr a bharrachd agus dh'fhaodadh an t-slighe dhan sgoil a bhith nas cunnartaiche buileach.

Facing the most extreme conditions, the children in this series must march, climb or swim their way to school. In doing so, they fear neither brutal cold nor dangerous terrain. They must conquer floods and face wild animals. And yet they have only one goal in sight: education and a better life. But the path towards this goal is a breathtaking mixture of adventure and danger. These children have the most spectacular and most dangerous way to school in the world, and sometimes the most beautiful too.

Over 30 degrees Celsius, barefoot and walking a distance of over 20 kilometres. For the children of Maasai people, this is the daily route to school. Their way to school takes them through the Dorn Savanna, past boars and hyenas. It takes them past their only source of water - the Pangani River. But the river is also very dangerous, as it is inhabited by crocodiles. When the ferryman and his boat are not there, the children must swim across the river.

All this for just one goal; to get to school. Not even the most difficult circumstances can stop these students; no dangerous wild animals, no extreme temperatures, or the long distance. These children fight their way through it all - as only this way do they have a chance to break the bond of poverty and hunger. The children of the Maasai live in villages without any schools. There is no space and no qualified personnel available.

To make matters worse, the Maasai are nomadic and constantly moving. Once their cattle have grazed all the grass, they move and settle somewhere else. The new village will also have no school of its own, and the way to the school might become even more difficult.

48 minutes
