Episode 6
Ruairidh Alastair MacLennan explores health and lifestyle issues in Scotland today. This episode sees him investigate the current status and future of the Gaelic language.
Tha Ruairidh Alastair MacIllFhinnein a'sgrùdadh inbhe na Gà idhlig an-diugh agus dè tha an dà n dhi 'san à m ri teachd. Bu mhiann leis faighinn a-mach dè na slighean is fheà rr air a'chà nan a chumail là idir.
Seallaidh e air na dòighean air a'chà nan a bhrosnachadh, eadar Foghlam Tro Mheadhan na Gà idhlig, na h- Ealain, na h-oilthigean agus an Riaghaltas; chì e cuideachd dè a'nì an òigridh iad fhèin agus dè a b'urrainn dhaibh a dhèanamh.
Ruairidh Alastair MacLennan investigates the current status and future of the Gaelic language, looking into the various ways to keep the language strong.
He'll look into the ways in which Gaelic medium education, the arts, universities and government can help promote the language, and also the role young people themselves have to play.
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Tachartasan GÃ idhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu
Duration: 01:46
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Ruairidh MacLennan |
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