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Ruairidh Alastair MacLennan explores health and lifestyle issues in Scotland today. This episode sees him investigate gender equality in Scotland today.

Tha Ruairidh Alastair MacIllFhinnein a'sgrùdadh co-ionnanachd a-rèir gin ann an Alba an-diugh. Tha ceist air an è cothroman cosnaidh a-rèir gin a shuidheachadh san lagh, an t-slighe air adhart gu cothromachd eadar fireann is boireann. Tha daoine ag aithneachadh gum feum fireann is boireann a bhi co-ionnan ann an iomadh suidheachadh a thaobh ionmhas, cultur agus ionadan poblach - ach thathar a'deasbad gun sgur air ciamar a ghabhas sin a dhèanamh. Tha moran bruidhne agus mòran argamaid mu cheist àireamhan ionnan a-rèir gin ann an cothroman cosnaidh. Cluinnidh Ruairidh Alastair dè beachd Institiùd nan Stiùirichean, agus cuideachd bhon Oll. Meryl Kenny, òraidiche ann an gin agus poileataics.

Ruairidh Alastair MacLennan investigates gender equality in Scotland today and whether or not mandatory gender quotas are the way forward in reaching a gender balance. He looks into the arguments for and against. The need for gender equality across financial, cultural and public institutions is widely recognised, but how to achieve that equality is the matter of much debate.

One of the talked about - and sometimes controversial - suggestions is the introduction of mandatory gender quotas. Ruairidh Alastair finds out the opinions of the Institute of Directors and also gender and politics lecturer Dr Meryl Kenny.

15 minutes



Role Contributor
Presenter Ruairidh MacLennan
