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Sgeulachd a' Bhanrigh Bhictoria thairis air na 64 bliadhna a bha i a' riaghladh. Documentary series telling the story of Queen Victoria throughout her 64-year reign.

An uair a rugadh a' Bhanrigh Bhictoria ann an 1819, 's e rìoghachd àiteachais a bh' ann am Breatainn. Ann an ùine gu math goirid, bha an t-eilean beag seo na chumhachd gnìomhachais le ìmpireachd aig an robh buaidh air an t-saoghal air fad. Tha na prògraman ag innse sgeulachd na h-ama sònraichte seo, a' dèanamh dealbh air a' Bhanrigh Bhictoria, a bha a' riaghladh còrr air còigeamh de shluagh an t-saoghail.

Cluinnear mu na daoine cumhachdach a thug cruth Bhreatannach air an ìmpireachd: Gladstone, Disraeli, Livingstone, Rhodes agus am Prionnsa Albert. Bha na daoine seo gu bhith an urra ri tìrean Bhreatainn a leudachadh gu ìrean nach fhacas a-riamh roimhe. Chì sinn aithrisean pearsanta, ath-chleasachd, agus film a chaidh a chlàradh a tha ag innse mun bhuaireadh eadar daoine eadar-dhealaichte agus cultaran thairis air na 64 bliadhna a bha Bhictoria a' riaghladh.

At the time of Queen Victoria's birth in 1819, Great Britain was an agrarian society. Within a few short decades, this small island nation would be transformed into an industrial superpower, with an empire spanning the globe. Queen Victoria's Empire is both the story of this remarkable time, and an engaging portrait of a Queen who ruled over a fifth of the world's population. It tells of the influential figures that would shape a distinctively British imperialism: Gladstone, Disraeli, Livingstone, Rhodes, and Prince Albert.

These figures would fuel an expansion unequalled in history, forever changing Britain and the lands it controlled. Personal accounts, re-enactments, and evocative cinematography recount the dramatic clash of personalities and cultures that would drive Victoria's remarkable 64-year reign.

55 minutes
