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Episode 3

Episode 3 of 10

John Morrison interviews guests who witnessed major world events. This episode sees John talking with Pat Ballantyne about the Piper Alpha disaster of 1988.

Tha Iain Moireasdan a' còmhradh ri Pat Ballantyne mu thubaist clàr-ola Piper Alpha a thachair anns a'Chuan a Tuath air 6 Iuchar 1988, far an do chaochail 167 neach. Bha an duine aig Pat, Bob, ag obair air a' chlàr ola is gas mar dhealanair nuair a chaidh e a sgrios às dèidh grunn spreadhaidhean.

Thàinig esan às beò ach thug na chaidh e troimhe buaidh air fhèin agus air an teaghlach. Tha Pat a' bruidhinn air mar a shàbhail Bob le bhith a' cleachdadh ròp airson faighinn sìos dhan uisge ach cuideachd, mar a chunnaic e cuid de cho-obraichean a' call am beatha san spreadhadh. Bha Pat agus Bob an luib buidheann a chaidh a stèidheachadh airson taic a thoirt do theaghlaichean nan daoine air an tug an tubaist buaidh. Bha Bob cuideachd gu mòr an luib iomairt airson sàbhailteachd anns a' ghnìomhachas 's a Chuan a Tuath a leasachadh anns na bliadhnaichean às dèidh sin.

John Morrison interviews guests who witnessed major world events. This episode sees John in conversation with Pat Ballantyne about the Piper Alpha tragedy of 1988, in which 167 men lost their lives, and remains the world's worst offshore accident. Pat's husband Bob was working on the oil and gas platform as an electrician when it was destroyed in a series of explosions. Bob survived but his experience greatly affected him and his family.

Pat talks about how Bob escaped by using a rope to climb down to the water but also how he saw friends and fellow-workers lose their lives in one of the explosions. Pat and Bob were involved in a support group for survivors' families and Bob campaigned alongside others for better safety and workers' conditions in the offshore oil and gas industry.

27 minutes

Last on

Fri 3 Mar 2023 20:00


Role Contributor
Presenter John Morrison
