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Joe MacNeil

Episode 2 of 10

John Morrison interviews guests who witnessed major world events. This episode sees John talking with Joe MacNeil about the Iranian Revolution of 1979.

Ann an sreath ùr de chòmhraidhean le daoine a chunnaic tachartasan mòra an t-saoghail le an sùilean fhèin, tha Iain Moireasdan a' còmhradh ri Joe MacNèill mu ar-a-mach Ioslamach Iran ann an 1979. Bha Joe ag obair dha companaidh Ameireaganach ann an Tehran aig àm nuair a bha rìgh na dùthcha, an Shah, a' feuchainn ris an dùthaich a thoirt air adhart gu bhith nas coltaiche ri dùthchannan an iar.

Ach bha an suidheachadh poilitigeach a' fàs cugalach, le Ioslamaich agus oileanaich a' coiteachadh an-aghaidh an Shah. Mu dheireadh, b' fheudar dha Joe agus a theaghlach an dùthaich fhàgail beagan làithean mus do dh'fhalbh an Shah fhèin. Thàinig an clèireach, an Ayatollah Khomeini, a-steach mar cheannard air poblachd Ioslamach le modhan agus laghan stèidhichte air a' chreideamh Ioslamach.

John Morrison interviews guests who witnessed major world events. This episode sees John in conversation with Joe MacNeil about his experience of the Iranian Islamic Revolution of 1979.

Joe was working for an American company in Tehran at a time when the Shah was trying to modernise the country along western lines. But at the same time, the political situation was worsening with secular and clerical opponents demanding his removal. Eventually Joe and his family were forced to leave Iran in January 1979, along with fellow expatriates.

The Shah and his family were forced into exile soon after and at the beginning of February the fundamentalist Islamic cleric Ayatollah Khomeini returned from exile to become leader of the newly declared Islamic Republic.

29 minutes
