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Bòidheach Beag

Episode 14 of 24

Linda Macleod travels to Edinburgh to meet local nursery school pupils and read Bòidheach Beag, written and illustrated by Anthony Browne.

Prògram do chlann òga le Linda NicLeòid a' siubhal a Dhùn Èideann far a bheil i a' coinneachadh ri sgoilearan òga. 'S e Bòidheach Beag air a sgrìobhadh 's le na dealbhan aig Anthony Browne agus air eadar-theangachadh dhan Ghàidhlig le Fionnlagh MacLeòid sgeulachd an latha an-diugh.

Linda Macleod travels to Edinburgh to meet local nursery school pupils and read Bòidheach Beag, written and illustrated by Anthony Browne and translated into Gaelic by Finlay MacLeod.

21 minutes
