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Skipinnish agus Caraidean

Scottish trad band Skipinnish filmed live at the Glasgow Barrowland Ballroom and featuring special guests Rachel Walker, Malcolm Jones and Archie McAllister.

Ann an cuirm shònraichte a mhaireas leth uair a thìde, bidh Skipinnish a' taisbeanadh ceòl traidiseanta na Gàidhealtachd le taic bhon t-seinneadair chliùiteach Rachel Walker agus sàr-cheòladairean Malcolm Jones agus Archie McAllister. Air a chlàradh beò aig a' Bharrowland Ballroom ann an Glaschu, chithear Skipinnish agus iad a' cluich dhan luchd-leantainn dhìleas aca. Tha an còmhlan air cliù a chosnadh thar nam bliadhnachan bho stèidhich Aonghas MacPhàil agus Anndra Stevenson an còmhlan ann an 1999 agus tha Skipinnish air a dhol bho neart gu neart. Chithear taisbeanadh sònraichte bhon oidhche far an robh cha mhòr 2000 neach an làthair - a' gabhail a-steach cuid de dh'òrain chliùiteach a' chòmhlain, air a mheasgachadh le agallamhan agus seanachas bho na cluicheadairean fhèin. Gheibh an luchd-amhairc sùil air a' chàirdeas agus an àbhachdas eadar na cluicheadairean.

Filmed live at the renowned Glasgow Barrowland Ballroom, a half hour special featuring Skipinnish playing for their loyal fans, supported by special guests Rachel Walker, Malcolm Jones and Archie McAllister. The band have gained a well-deserved reputation over the years for their fine contribution to Scottish music, since the band was formed by Angus MacPhail and Andrew Stevenson in 1999, and the band have gone from strength to strength, with 2017 being their most successful year to date.

This programme will bring viewers exclusive coverage from the night that was enjoyed by almost 2,000 revellers - including many of the band's now-classic anthems, mixed with interviews and anecdotes from the band's members. The audience will get an insight of the humour and relationships between band members behind the scenes.

29 minutes

Last on

Wed 7 Oct 2020 23:30
