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Scotland's Traditional Music Awards 2017, live from Paisley, hosted by Mary Ann Kennedy and Tony Kearney and featuring an all-star line-up of live performers.

Na Trads - Duaisean Ceòl Traidiseanta na h-Alba, 2017 - a tighinn beò à Pàislig le tachartas sònraichte far am bi Elephant Sessions, Tidelines, Siobhan Miller agus The Shee am measg na bhios a' cluich beò air oidhche. Tha Na Trads a'toirt cuirmean mhiorbhuileach dhuinn an cois an seorsa dràma nach fhaighear an aite eile ach aig cuirm dhuaisean Na Trads.Tha 15 bliadhna bho thòisich na duaisean a tha a'foillseachadh a neart agus a smior a tha a'nise air cùl saoghal a chiùil ann an Alba. Am bliadhna s' a-rithist, tha tè agus fear an taighe, Màiri Anna NicUalraig agus Tony Kearney, air an àrd-ùrlar a toirt dhuinn dràma agus fealla-dhà agus iad a moladh gaisgaich saoghail a chiùil.

The Trads - Scotland's Traditional Music Awards, 2017 - live from Paisley, with an all-star line-up that sees Elephant Sessions, Tidelines, Siobhan Miller and The Shee among the acts that play live on the night.

Following weeks of anticipation and a public vote, the evening celebrates those who have influenced the traditional music scene. The Trads is a platform for some fantastic performances coupled with the high drama and excitement that comes with an awards ceremony.

Hosting the evening is the prodigiously talented duo Mary Ann Kennedy and Tony Kearney, who will be onstage for an evening of drama and fun as they honour the heroes of the traditional music world.

2 hours, 15 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Mary Ann Kennedy
Presenter Tony Kearney
