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Gaelic motoring show. In this one-hour special, Linda takes part in a hill climb, while Murray's skills are put to the test in an autotest organised by the Isle of Skye Rally Club.

Sa phrògram seo, tha Donaidh air a dhòigh 's sgioba Air an Rathad a' dol an sàs ann an iomadach farpais motorspòrs. Tha Linda a' gabhail pàirt ann am farpais streap cnuic, fear dhe na farpaisean motorspòrs as sine a th'ann, 's i a' feuchainn ann am Morgan Plus 4.

Tha sgillean Murray air cuir fo dheuchainn 's e a' gabhail pàirt ann an autotest, a th'air a chuir air dòigh le Chlub Chàraichean an t-Eilean Sgiathanach. Agus tha Donaidh a' faighinn leasan no dhà bho eòlaichean, gus feuchainn air na sgillean dhraibheadh aige fhèin a' leasachadh. Uair a thìde loma làn spòrs ann an càraichean - dè na b'fheàrr?

In this programme, Donnie is in his element as the Air an Rathad team get stuck into a variety of motorsports.

Linda takes part in a hill climb, one of the oldest forms of motorsport, in a Morgan Plus 4 Supersport. Murray's skills are put to the test, as he takes part in an autotest organised by the Isle of Skye Rally Club

And Donnie gets a lesson or two from some experts, to try and improve his own driving skills. An hour packed with car-based fun - what could be better?

59 minutes

Last on

Mon 30 Jul 2018 22:30
