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Episode 3

Episode 3 of 6

Music show presented by Mary Ann Kennedy, filmed during Celtic Connections 2017 and featuring Tift Merrit, Atlantic Arc Orchestra, and Cathy Ann MacPhee and Patsy Seddon.

An treas prògram à sreath air a lìbhrigeadh leis an neach-ciùil agus an craoladair, Mairi Anna NicUalraig. Chaidh Seirm a chlàradh air beulaibh luchd-èisteachd ann an Hillhead Bookclub aig àm fèis Celtic Connections anns an Fhaoilleach, 2017. Anns a' phrògram roghainneach seo tha feadhainn den luchd-ciùil as fheàrr bhon fhèis. A-nochd air Seirm, blas eadar-nàiseanta; as na Stàitean Aonaichte, Tift Merritt; as a Chumrigh, Plu, chithear cuideachd Cathy Ann Nic a Phì agus Patsy Seddon; na peathraichean ceòlmhor, Brìghde agus Steaphanaidh Chaimbeul agus Atlantic Arc, còmhlan aig a bheil freumhan ann an Èireann agus ann an Alba.

The third episode of Seirm is presented by musician and broadcaster Mary Ann Kennedy. Filmed in the atmospheric Hillhead Bookclub before an audience at the Celtic Connections music festival in January 2017, this eclectic show features lively performances from the best of the festival alongside some unique musical collaborations.

This episode has an international flavour and includes Tift Merritt, from the USA, and Plu, from Wales. There is also Cathy Ann MacPhee and Patsy Seddon, musical sisters Brìghde and Stephanie Campbell, and Atlantic Arc, a band with roots in both Ireland and Scotland.

59 minutes

Last on

Fri 13 Oct 2017 22:00
