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Family fitness; Cost of living; Australian visa woes

Employment is up again, but prices are rising and wages are still lagging behind. How are individuals coping with the cost of living?

The Competition and Markets Authority is currently examining the care homes market. Their interim report found signs that the market is not working for those who need care and support. Now Which? the consumer organisation, is also reporting evidence of unfair contracts, excess charges and poor care quality ratings. What will it take to ensure people living in care homes get a better deal?

British backpackers who want to extend their stay in Australia after a year, have to prove they've worked in a rural area doing things like fruit picking and tree felling.
We look into claims that young people who are so keen to stay Down Under are being exploited for cheap labour on farms and at hostels.

Sport England are planning to increase funding for activities that involve the whole family. Meanwhile David Lloyd gyms are rolling out a brand new family fitness programme based on a Spanish idea. Could this be the way to get children to make movement part of their lives? Or is it just the ultimate turnoff for snapchatting teens?

Employment has hit yet another record high. But wages are lagging behind and prices are edging upwards. Figures published this week suggest that household spending contracted at the steepest rate for four years in the second quarter of 2017. We take a look at how all this is playing out in the lives of You and Yours listeners.

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45 minutes


  • British Meat

    Morrisons is 1st of the big 4 supermarkets to announce it'll only sell British fresh meat

    Duration: 07:01

  • The Cost of Living - Graham

    How are wages and the cost of living affecting You and Yours listeners?

    Duration: 07:42

  • Family Fitness

    Is exercising with Mum and Dad the answer to the child obesity problem?

    Duration: 06:47

  • Australia Visa

    Claims that people staying in Australia are being exploited fulfilling visa requirements

    Duration: 06:21

  • Housing

    How a clever idea to get first time buyers on the property ladder ended in failure

    Duration: 06:58

  • Care - Which? Report

    Care homes are using unfair contracts, excess charges and poor care quality ratings

    Duration: 05:11


  • Thu 13 Jul 2017 12:13



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