Derek MacAoidh le ceòl agus fealla-dhà air ar slighe dhachaigh. Sùil air spòrs ionadail, nà iseanta agus eadar-nà iseanta. Music and entertainment with Derek MacKay.
Ceòl, spòrs agus fealla-dhà air ur slighe dhachaigh còmhla ri Derek MacAoidh. Sùil air na sgeulachdan as motha ann an saoghal spòrs; ionadail, nà iseanta agus eadar-nà iseanta. Cuideachd, 'Ceanglaichean Ciùil' far an tèid ceanglaichean a mhìneachadh thairis air trì òrain. Ma tha sibh airson òran a chluinntinn, cuiribh fios gu Derek le bhith a' fà gail teachdaireachd air ar duilleag Facebook, post-dealain gu pluto@bbc.co.uk no fònaibh an asgaidh air 08000 967 050.
Entertainment and the latest news to see you home with Derek MacKay. A look at what's going on in the world of sport with an update on local, national and international events. In this programme, using 3 songs, Derek establishes a connection that needs to be solved. If you have any information you would like to share or would like to hear a track special to you, please get in touch via our Facebook page, e-mail us at pluto@bbc.co.uk or contact us on the freephone: 08000 967050.
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Music Played
Bruce Springsteen
Born in the USA
Glen Miller
American Patrol
Green Day
American Idiot
Only Happy When It Rains
- Garbage.
- Mushroom.
- 3.
Paranoid Android
- Paranoid Android.
- Parlophone.
- 1.
Stevie Wonder
Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours
- You've Got Mail (Film S/Track).
- Warner Sunset/Atlantic.
Shake The Walls
- Old Fire EP.
- Theendrecords.
Future Islands
- Ran.
- 4AD.
- 001.
Hothouse Flowers
Give It Up
- Home.
- London.
- 2.
Scouting for Girls
I Wish I Was James Bond
- (CD Single).
- Epic.
- 1.
An Ubhal as Àirde
- Cutter And The Clan, The.
- Chrysalis.
- 10.
The Magic Numbers
This Is A Song
- Those The Brokes.
- Heavenly.
Blue Pearl
Naked In The Rain
- Fantastic Dance! (Various Artists).
- Columbia.
American Brass Band
The Star Spangled Banner
- National Anthems.
- Laserlight.
- 28.
The National
The System Only Dreams In Total Darkness
- Sleep Well Beast.
- 4AD.
The Jacksons
Can You Feel It
- Fantastic 80's Go For It! - Various.
- Parlophone.
Band of Horses
Casual Party
- (CD Single).
- Virgin.
- 1.
The Black Crowes
She Talks To Angels
- Shake Your Money Maker.
- Def American.
Johnny Cash
Ring Of Fire
- Johnny Cash - Man In Black.
- Columbia.
- Tue 4 Jul 2017 17:30Â鶹Éç Radio nan Gà idheal
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