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Seudraidh Cheilteach/Celtic Jewellery

Episode 15 of 21

Documentary in which Shona Masson takes a journey of discovery across Scotland exploring Celtic gems, a jewellery style with roots inherently linked with Scotland's past.

Tha Shona Masson a' gabhail turas sònraichte son an tuilleadh fhaighinn a-mach mu stoidhle sònraichte de sheudraidh a tha air aire a ghlacadh ann an Alba agus air feadh an t-saoghail thar nam bliadhnaichean- Seudraidh Cheilteach. 'S e stoidhle shònraichte, achrannach a th' ann le freumhan domhainn ann an eachdraidh na dùthcha.

Cluinnidh sinn mu mar a thòisich e, agus mun fheadhainn a bh' aig fìor thoiseach a' ghluasaid ùr-bheothachadh ealain agus ciùird. Coinnichidh sinn cuideachd ri seudaran a tha ag obair san stoidhle seo san là an-diugh agus a tha air a' char aca fhèin a chur air seudraidh Cheilteach, agus beachdaichidh sinn air dè a tha fa-near dhan stoidhle ghrinn seo. Tadhlaidh Shona air seòmaichean-rup Ghlaschu, agus siubhlaidh i a dh' Eilean Ì, Arcaibh agus Uibhist na turas gus sùil nas dlùithe a thoirt air dè a tha dha-rìribh cho tarraingeach mu Seudraidh Cheilteach.

Shona Masson takes a journey of discovery across Scotland and explores a unique style of gems that has captured the imagination in Scotland and around the world over the years - Celtic jewellery. It is a unique and intricate style, and its roots are inherently linked with Scotland's past.

We hear about its origins, those who began the movement, and those who revived it as an art form and as a craft. We also meet the silversmiths who work in this style today, with their own unique take, and explore what the future holds for this beautiful art form.

Shona visits the auction rooms of Glasgow, and heads to Iona, Orkney and Uist on her trip to get to the heart of the appeal of Celtic Jewellery.

58 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Shona Masson
