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Episode 5

Episode 5 of 12

Including a report that looked at the state of the Harris tweed industry at the time of new training courses and new looms being introduced.

Tha Dòmhnall Moireasdan a' toirt thugaibh taghadh eile de na h-aithrisean a bh'air a' phrògram Cearcall - anns na seachdadan 's na h-ochdadan. Anns a' phrògram-sa, sealladh air obair Dhòmhnaill Stiùbhart mar bhall-pàrlamaid nan Eilean Siar. Fad seachd bliadhn' deug, bha Dòmhnall Stiùbhart a' riochdachadh nan Eilean Siar ann an Taigh nan Cumantan. B' e a'chiad bhall-pàrlamaid bhon SNP a bhuannaich seat aig Taghadh Coitcheann.

Bha Dòmhnall Stiùbhart eadar-dhealaichte bho iomadh neachd -poileataics: bha meas mòr air mar dhuine, fiù's aig feadhainn nach robh idir a'cuir taic ris a'phàrtaidh aige. Ghabh Angela NicEachainn aig Cearcall turas a Lunainn a dh'fhaicinn ball-pàrlamaid nan Eilean aig obair. Cuideachd air a' phrògram mar a bha an clò mòr aig an àm 's cùrsan trèanaidh is beartan ùra a' tighinn a-steach; agus Keep Nato Out - an iomairt airson an cogadh fuar a chumail a-mach à Leòdhas.

Presenter Donald Morrison takes a nostalgic look through the archive of the popular Gaelic current affairs series Cearcall. In the original series transmitted in the late 70s and the 80s, topics covered included fishing, crofting, language and politics.

In this programme, three distinct pieces are covered. In the first report, Angela MacEachan visits Donald Stewart, the MP who represented the Western Isles for 17 years. He was the SNP's first MP to win his seat at a general election and was unusual in that he was popular and respected even by opponents of his party.

The second report looks at the state of the Harris tweed industry at the time of new training courses and new looms being introduced.

The final item examines the campaign to keep the Cold War away from Lewis: it was called 'Keep Nato Out'.

28 minutes

Last on

Sat 19 Aug 2023 19:30


Role Contributor
Presenter Donald Morrison
