Sù Shiùsaidh/Little Suzy's Zoo Series 1 Episodes Episode guide
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Meal do Naidheachd Witzy!
26/26 Carson nach eil duine airson cluich le Witzy? Witzy feels that everyone is leaving him out
Nach Dèan Sinn Pairèid
25/26 Tha Witzy airson Boof a chur ann an sunnd. Witzy attempts to cheer Boof up.
Seall Dhomhsa Cuideachd!
24/26 Tha na caraidean airson nead fhaicinn. The friends all want to see inside a nest.
Turas-dà na Witzy
23/26 Tha Witzy 's Lulla a gabhail turas iongantach. Witzy and Lulla go on a big adventure.
Episode 22
22/26 Patches tells Witzy stories to help him sleep.
Spòrs san Amar
21/26 Chan eil Boof idir airson a dhol dhan amar. Boof is adamant that he will not take a bath.
Air do Mhiann!
20/26 Tha na caraidean a' lorg dìthean sònraichte. The friends find a very special flower.
Slighe Inntinneach
19/26 Tha slighe dhathach ga cruthachadh sa ghà rradh. A colourful trail is made in the garden.
Witzy ri Fealla-dhÃ
18/26 Tha Wizty a cur an eagail air a charaidean. Witzy scares all his friends today.
BÃ ta air Chall
17/26 Tha Boof a' call an dèideag aig Witzy! Boof loses one of Witzy's toys!
Frasan Ceòlmhor
16/26 Tha fuaimean fras-uisg' a còrdadh ri Lulla. Lulla enjoys the many sounds of a rain shower.
Sgeulachd nan Sgòth
15/26 Tha sgothan annasach a cur iongnadh air Witzy. Witzy is amused by interesting cloud shapes
Sinn a' Bocadaich!
14/26 Tha a h-uile duine trang a' bocadaich! Everyone is busy hopping today!
An Trèan aig Witzy
13/26 Tha Witzy ag ionnsachadh dèideagan a roinn. Witzy learns that he should share his toys.
Ri Cleasachd!
12/26 Tha Witzy 's Boof ri cleasachd. Witzy and Boof showcase their acting skills.
Faiceallach Patches
11/26 Tha crùin fhlùraichean ag adhbharachadh eagal. Flower crowns give the friends a scare.
Òran-tà laidh Lulla
10/26 Tha òran aig Lulla gus cach a chur a chadal. Lulla hopes her song will help everyone sleep
Leanaibh an Toisiche
9/26 Tha na caraidean ag ionnsachadh geama ùr. The friends discover a new game.
Caraid Ùr
8/26 Tha caraid ùr a nochdadh sa ghà rradh. A new friend arrives in the garden.
Trang a' Lìbhrigeadh
7/26 Tha tòrr obair lìbhrigidh ri dheanamh. Everyone is busy making deliveries.
Patches a' SÃ bhaladh a' Chuirm-chnuic
6/26 Chan eil sgeul air mìlsean a' chuirm-chnuic. The friends forget to pack a dessert.
Latha le Witzy
5/26 Tha na caraidean trang a cluich falach-fead. The friends play a game of hide and seek.
Witzy a' Togail Dealbh
4/26 Tha caraidean Witzy ag iarraidh dealbh. Wizty's friends want their picture taken.
Patches agus na Faileasan Oidhch
3/26 Witzy is scared by night-time shadows, but luckily Patches is there to look after him.
Episode 2
2/26 Tha Witzy trang a' cuir eitein dias. Witzy is busy planting corn kernels.
Episode 1
1/26 Tha Boof a' dèanamh sreathart! Boof surprises Witzy with a sneeze!