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Second of a two-part documentary series following the wildlife of Yellowstone National Park. In this programme, summer transforms Yellowstone into a wildlife paradise.

Chan eil àite eile air an t-saoghal coltach ri Pàirc Yellowstone: Fàsach Beanntan na h-Oirthir, àros airson fiadh-bheathaichean agus àite cunnartach, geòlasach a tha a' tàmh air uachdar bholcàno àibheiseach le mullach cho farsaing ri 45 mìle. Ach, mar a sheallas na prògraman seo, tha an t-àite cuideachd na àrd-ùrlar airson cleasachd nam beathaichean fad na bliadhna. Le samhraidhean teth agus geamhraidhean reòite, 's e àrainneachd dhuilich a th' ann do na beathaichean a tha beò ann. As t-samhradh, don fhiadh-bheatha, tha Yellowstone mar tèarmann, làn elk, bìoson, eòin agus iasg a' tilleadh airson àm breith, teas na grèine agus am feur gorm. A' tighinn as an dèidh, tha madaidhean-allaidh, mathain agus cait mhòr, a' sealg nan ainmhidhean a th' air an ùr-bhreith. Tha a h-uile càil a tha seo ag atharrachadh le geamhradh fiadhaich Yellowstone air fàire.

No place on earth is like Yellowstone National Park: Rocky Mountain wilderness, wildlife paradise and a dangerous geological hotspot resting on top of an enormous volcano, with a caldera 45-miles wide. But as Wild Yellowstone reveals, this extraordinary place is also a cauldron of gripping animal dramas, played out in burning summers and freezing winters, that constantly test its inhabitants.

In summer, Yellowstone transforms into a wildlife paradise, exploding with new life as elk, bison, birds and fish time the arrival of their newborns with the warming and greening up of the park. Following them come wolves, grizzlies and cougars, eager for the easy protein that summer provides.

50 minutes

Last on

Fri 4 May 2018 23:00
