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Light-hearted look at historic civilisations and their inventions. The History Hunters focus on communication through the ages.

An-diugh, tha Calum Dòmhnallach, Kerry Anne Nicleòid agus na Sealgairean Spòrsail a' toirt sùil air conaltradh thar nan linntean. Faigh a-mach mu innealan a bha fasanta uaireigin agus innleachdairean a thug buaidh mhòr air dòighean conaltraidh a tha sinn fhathast a' cleachdadh an-diugh.

Calum Macdonald, Kerry Anne Macleod and the History Hunters focus on communication through the ages. Find out how things work, check out retro gadgets and hear about inventors who had a big impact on communication techniques we still use today.

Since early cave drawings, humans have dreamt up all sorts of interesting ways to communicate over distances. They've used animals, electricity and even invisible radio waves. From typewriters to pens, radios, televisions and computers, we love to keep in touch.

In this episode, the History Hunters have a go at creating their own telephone. They are then tasked with making radio waves using wire and a battery, before finding out how to block them!
In the studio, Calum and Kerry Anne investigate smoke messages and Morse code and look back to times when writing meant a feather and ink, not a phone or a keyboard, and find out how typewriters work.

24 minutes
