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It's Christmas Eve, and Ben and Holly head off with their friends on a special trip to deliver a missing box of toys for Father Christmas.

Tha Maighstir Màileachan air dèideagan na Nollaige a thoirt chun a' Phòl a' Tuath ach a rèir choltais tha cuid dhiubh air a dhol air chall! Tha Ben 's Hoilidh a' cur turas sònraichte romhpa gus am bogsa dhèideag mu dheireadh a thoirt suas gu Bodach na Nollaige.

It's Christmas Eve and the presents have just been delivered to Father Christmas at the North Pole by Mr Elf in the Elf Plane. Back at the elf tree, Mr Elf is just sitting down to a nice cup of tea as Father Christmas rings up to say that there are toys missing. Ben and Holly head off with their friends on a special trip to deliver the final box of toys.

11 minutes
