Episode 1
First of a three-part documentary series following the work of the ScotSTAR transfer teams. An 11-year-old boy from Dumbarton suffers a head injury at his local skate park.
An t-seachdain-sa, balach aois 11 à Dùn Bhreatainn air a leòn mun cheann ann am pà irce spèilidh, nighean bliadhna a dh'aois le dìth-anail air a toirt airson obair-lannsa èiginneach ann an Glaschu agus an sgioba a' giùlain boireannach à Beinn na Faoghla 's I a' fulang fà illigeadh à irneach.
Series following the work of the ScotSTAR transfer teams from their purpose-built hub at Glasgow Airport.
This week an 11-year-old boy from Dumbarton suffers a head injury at his local skate park. A one-year-old girl with breathing difficulties is rushed to Glasgow Children's Hospital for emergency surgery, and the team take on the difficult task of transferring a lady from Benbecula with renal failure.
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