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Tha Resus a' faighinn cliù mu dheireadh thall. Resus gets an opportunity to play in a band, but the fame soon goes to his head.

Tha an neach-ciùil as fheàrr le Resus ga fhaighinn fhèin ann an staing 's gun chomas cluich sa chomhlan. Tha Resus fhèin a' gabhail àit' air an àrd-ùrlar ach 's ann a tha a leithid de chliù a toirt droch bhuaidh air a bhampair òg.

Resus' favourite musician finds himself in a bit of a pickle and unable to play with the rest of the band. Resus is given the opportunity to replace him on the stage but the resulting fame soon goes to the young vampire's head.

11 minutes
