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A light-hearted look at historic civilisations and their inventions. Travel back to the age of the Celts with Calum, Kerry Anne and the History Hunters.

Siubhail air ais gu linn nan Ceilteach cuide ri Calum, Kerry Anne agus na Sealgairean Spòrsail. Sa phrògram tha fiosrachadh annasach, beò-dhealbhaidhean is clann a' rannsachadh buaidh innleachdan bho shean air ar saoghal an-diugh.

B' iad na Ceiltich seat de chinnidhean a nochd ann an Alba, Èirinn, Sasainn, a' Chuimrigh is air feadh na Roinn Eòrpa a' dìon an talaimh aca o na Ròmanaich. Bha iad gaisgeil, garbh is glic - cho glic is gun tolladh iad stuthan cruaidh às aonais innealan an latha an-diugh!

Leanaidh na Sealgairean Spòrsail nan ceumannan, a' tolladh fiodh gun nuadh-innealan. Bheir iad cuideachd coltas ùr air aodach, a' cleachdadh dhathan bho lusan is mheasan, cleas nan Ceilteach.
San stiùidio, tha Calum is Kerry Anne trang le sgeadachadh Ceilteach: stoidhle fuilt àrd, peanta-gnùis gorm is seudraidh-amhaich air a bheil torc. Ionnsaich bhuapa mar a fhuair na Ceiltich air snàth a dhèanamh à clòimh chaorach.

Travel back to the age of the Celts as Calum, Kerry Anne and the History Hunters continue to bring history to life with fun facts, animations and child-led experiments which show how inventions and discoveries from ancient times helped shape our everyday lives.

The Celts were clans who popped up in Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales and all over Europe, defending their land from Roman armies. They were brave, barbaric and smart - drilling holes long before modern machinery.

The History Hunters' first challenge is to follow in ancient footsteps, boring holes into wood without the help of a tool kit. After that, watch them overhaul their wardrobe - Celtic style - using coloured fruit and veg as clothes dye.

In the studio, Calum and Kerry Anne model a Celtic look with a punk-like hairstyle, blue facepaint and a fancy necklace called a torque, and they show us how to make yarn the Celtic way.

23 minutes

