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Six-part documentary following the transformation of towering Lews Castle from semi-ruin to state-of-the-art heritage and hospitality centrepiece.

Dè nì thu le caisteal falamh? Ciamar a bheir thu beò e a-rithist? Tha coimhearsnachd Steòrnabhaigh sna h-Eileanan an Iar den bheachd gu bheil iad air dòigh a lorg.

Tha Dualchas a' Chaisteil a' leantainn turas Caisteal Leòdhais a bha uair na thogalach uasal Bhictòrionach ach a thuit às a chèile, agus e a-nis ag atharrachadh gu togalach spaideil dualchasach ùr-ghnàthach, agus ionad aoigheachd sònraichte.

A' measgachadh eachdraidh le na bha a' dol bho là gu là fhad 's a bha am pròiseact a' dol, leanaidh an sreath seo an dà bhliadhna mu dheireadh den sgeama cosgail ùrachaidh fo stiùir an fheadhainn aig a bheil e, Comhairle nan Eilean. Seo agad sgeulachd mu mar a chaidh tobhta de eachdraidh ath-nuadhachadh, agus a dh'aindeoin gach duilgheadas, mar a chaidh a thilleadh gu cridhe na

Lean luchd-togail agus eòlaichean bho air feadh Bhreatainn agus iad a' strì ris na ràithean chaochlaideach, agus na dùbhlain a tha an lùib a leithid de phròiseact a dhèanamh air eilean iomallaich. Mothaich am measgachadh de dh' fhaireachdainnean, a dh'èireas à pròiseact den t-seòrsa seo agus an càirdeas a tha an làthair air larach togail ! Cluinnear cuideachd mu eachdraidh shòisealta an togalaich shònraichte seo, agus an iomadh cruth a th' air a bhith air thar nan linntean : bho a bhith na dhachaigh riochdail gu bhith na oighreachd choimhearsnachd gu bhith na sgoil.

Dualchas a' Chaisteil - Dealbh de thogalach iongantach stèidhte ann an àrainneachd de iomadh sgeulachd.

Documentary following the transformation of towering Lews Castle from semi-ruin to state-of-the-art heritage and hospitality centrepiece. Blending history with lively actuality, this six-part series leaps into the final two years of a multimillion-pound renovation scheme secured by the building's owner, Western Isles Council. This is the story of how 25,000 crumbling square feet of history was reinvented and, against the odds, returned to the heart of the community.

Follow teams of builders and experts from across the UK as they battle changing seasons and the challenges of an island location to get the building completed. Experience the emotions that a project of this size can bring and the camaraderie of the building site. Explore the compelling social history attached to this unique building.

29 minutes

Last on

Sat 7 Jul 2018 20:30

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