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Episode 27

Megan and Derek look at some of their favourite stories, such as Alice in Wonderland and Treasure Island. Sadie and Felix take a trip to the Edinburgh International Book Festival.

Tha Megan agus Derek a' toirt thugainn prògram loma-làn litreachais. Innsidh iad dhuinn mu sgeulachdan ionganatach mar Alice in Wonderland agus Treasure Island. Bidh Megan cuideachd a' tadhal air Taigh-tasgaidh Roald Dahl agus gheibh sinn a-mach mar a chaidh dha Felix agus Sadie nuair a chaidh iad gu Fèis Leabhraichean Dhùn Èideann a choinneachadh ri na h-ùghdaran as fheàrr leotha.

Megan and Derek bring us a programme jam-packed full of stories. They introduce us to the fascinating tales of Alice in Wonderland and Treasure Island, Megan visits the Roald Dahl Museum and Sadie and Felix take a trip to the Edinburgh International Book Festival to meet some of their favourite authors.

29 minutes
