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Episode 6

Documentary series that goes behind the scenes at the airports across the Highlands and islands. In this episode, three ferry pilots come in for fuel at Wick Airport.

Anns an t-sreath seo chì sinn dè a bhios a' tachairt air cùl ghnothaichean aig puirt-adhair na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean tro shùilean an fheadhainn a tha ag obair annta. An t-seachdain-sa, tha Andrew Bruce bho Far North trang aig port-adhair Inbhir Uige le trì plèanaichean-aiseig a' tighinn a-steach airson connadh air an t-slighe gu Afraga, an Òlaind agus Aimeireagaidh.

Ach tha an Shorts 360 air briseadh agus feumaidh iad an cuibhle-thoisich a' chàradh mus urrainn dhaibh siubhal gu Innis Tìle air an t-slighe dhachaigh gu Wisconsin, agus chan eil cead aca sgèith ach tron an latha. Aig Port-adhair Obar Dheathain tha pìleatan a' phlèana-eiridinn a' siubhal gu Steòrnabhagh is Baile na h-Eaglais. Agus tha plèana prìobhaideach a' tighinn a-steach gu Beinn na Faoghla le ochdnar air bòrd, agus iad a' dol a chluich goilf aig Askernish ann an Uibhist a Deas.

This series gives viewers a behind the scenes view of the airports across the Highlands and Islands, through the eyes of the people who work there.

In this programme, Andrew Bruce from Far North is busy at Wick Airport where three ferry pilots have come in for fuel on their way to Africa, Holland and America. But one of them, the Shorts 360, has broken down and its front wheel needs to be repaired before they can set off on their next leg to Iceland on their way home to Wisconsin. They only have a permit to fly in daylight, and time is running out.

At Aberdeen Airport, the pilots of the Air Ambulance plane travel to Stornoway and Kirkwall, all in a day's work. And a private plane arrives in Benbecula with eight passengers who are heading to the famous course in Askernish in South Uist to play golf. While they are battling on the fairways, the pilot gives us a look around the Citation Jet.

29 minutes
