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Glac Àm Sìth

Chan eil Blake ann an sunnd sabaid a dhèanamh. With his 'peace-stick,' Leonard casts a spell over Blake that leaves him somewhat feeble.

Le inntinn fo smachd slat-draoidheachd nam feòragan, tha Blake air fàs rudeigin bog 's gun iarraidh aige bhith sabaidh tuilleadh. Feumaidh Mitch a charaid a dhùsgadh on tranns mus gabh na feòragan brath air an fheallsanachd ùr seo.

Thanks to Leonard's 'peace-stick,' Blake wants only to love and spread peace rather than fight his furry enemies. Mitch must awaken the old Blake, before the squirrel's take advantage of his new lifestyle.

11 minutes
