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Episode 4

Episode 4 of 6

Tha Màiri NicRisnidh agus deagh chòcairean Gaidhealach a'deasachadh dinnear na Sàbaid. Mairi MacRitchie and cooks from across the Highlands prepare recipes for a busy day.

Tha Màiri NicRisnidh a'siubhal na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean a'tachairt air na còcairean is fheàrr - feuch an seall iad dhi ciamar a tha iad fhèin a'dèanamh na seòrsaichean annlan is fheàrr leotha.

Anns a'phrògram seo tha Màiri a'cruinneachadh biadhan a bhios math nuair a tha fichead car romhad 's gun ùine agad air an son: greim blasta a ghabhas dèanamh ann an cabhaig. Truinnsear math spaghetti le sabhs nach toir ach cairteal na h-uarach - agus cèic nach toir ach leth-uair ma nochdas caraidean gun dùil riutha.

Le taigh trang agus teaghlach acrach tha fios aig Màiri cho feumail sa tha dòighean còcaireachd a dh'oibricheas a h-uile turus - agus a tha luath. Ma thig aoighean gu h-obann oirre, thèid aice air duf a dhèanamh ann am beagan mhionaidean - agus nì i brot a' lìonas treud mun bhòrd ann an tiotan.

Mairi MacRitchie is in the Highlands and islands meeting the country's most enthusiastic and skilled cooks and bakers. They share with her the tried and tested recipes that they couldn't be without.

In this programme Mairi gathers recipe ideas for when you're rushed off your feet and need something quick and tasty. From a filling spaghetti dish that can be whipped up in a quarter of an hour to a sponge ready in half an hour for unexpected visitors.

With a busy household and a hungry family Mairi knows the importance of quick recipes that work every time. For those unexpected visitors that call for a ceilidh she prepares a dumpling in a matter of minutes using the microwave and a light soup that can feed a horde of hungry mouths in no time.

30 minutes

Last on

Sun 19 Nov 2017 20:00


Role Contributor
Presenter Mairi MacRitchie


Reasabaidhean - Sreath 8

Reasabaidhean - Sreath 8

Na reasabaidhean bhon t-sreath ùr.

A' Fuine le...

Series in which Mairi MacRitchie meets some of the country's best bakers.