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Glac do Bhòtannan

Gus paidhir bhòtannan ana-sgrios fhaighinn, feumaidh Blake cur às dha na brògan a th' aige. Blake must destroy the shoes he already has to get a pair of new boots.

Tha Blake airson paidhir bhòtannan ana-sgrios fhaighinn, ach tha Dale airson 's gun ionnsaich am balach mu bhith caomhnadh 's e diùltadh na brògan ùr a cheannach. Ge-tà, tha plana aig Blake a nì sgrios air na brògan a th' aige...

Blake has set his sights on a pair of indestructo boots, but Dale, wanting to teach his son the importance of frugality, refuses to buy the new shoes. However, Blake concocts a plan that will see him destroy the shoes he has...

11 minutes
