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Children's series. On a tour of the Elf Factory, the elf and fairy children learn about recycling and see how rubbish is re-used and made into toys.

Tha na sìthichean 's na màileachain ag ionnsachadh mu ath-chuartachadh ann am factaraidh nan dèideag ach, airson tuilleadh dhèideagan a dhèanamh, feumaidh iad tuilleadh sgudal a lorg. Tha Lusaidh 's a teaghlach gan cuideachadh 's iad a' lìonadh tùr nam màileachan le sgudal bhon chuirm-chnuic aca.

On a tour of the Elf Factory, the elf and fairy children learn about recycling and see how rubbish is re-used and made into toys. When the factory runs out of raw material, they set out to find some more. While out, they stumble upon Lucy and her family having a picnic. Lucy's family fill up the Great Elf tower with new rubbish. Now the Toy Factory can begin production again, and Lucy learns about recycling too.

15 minutes
