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Snooty King and Queen Marigold invite themselves round for dinner to King and Queen Thistle's castle to sample Nanny Plum's cooking.

Le Rìgh agus Banrigh Moire-Ròs gam fiathachadh fhèin gu dìnnear, tha Nanaidh Plumais airson sealltainn dhaibh cho math 's a tha i air còcaireachd. Le bhith a' cleachdadh draoidheachd, tha i a' cruthachadh rudan fìor annasach ach 's ann a tha a h-uile duine ag iarraidh pìos den mhilseag trèicil aice!

Snooty King and Queen Marigold invite themselves round for dinner to King and Queen Thistle's castle to sample Nanny Plum's cooking. Nanny, 'the best cook in the world', tries hard to cook 'special modern food' using her magic cookery book, but after everyone samples flavoured steam, they are soon calling for Nanny's treacle pudding!

15 minutes
