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Episode 25

The team pay a surprise visit to the winning school in the Puingean nam Boingean 2016 competition, and the final presenter challenge awaits Megan and Derek.

Tha sgioba Dè a-nis a' cèilidh air na sgoilearan a shoirbhich ann am farpais Puingean nam Boingean 2016, ach an dùil càite am bi iad sin? Agus bidh dùbhlan nam preseantairean air a chur ro Derek agus Megan gus am faic sinn cò aca a bhios soirbheachail.

The team pay a surprise visit to the winning school in the Puingean nam Boingean 2016 competition, and the final presenter challenge awaits Megan and Derek as we find out who the overall series winner is.

30 minutes
