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Kincardine Castle

Documentary series taking an in-depth look at the workings of country estates. This episode focuses on the couple running their Highland home, Kincardine Castle.

Seallaidh Oighreachdan na h-Alba gu dlùth ri ceithir oighreachdan tro shùilean an fheadhainn leis a bheil iad, na gillean, na gàirnealairean agus mnathan-taighe. Nì an t-sreath seo aithris air obair na h-oighreachd agus na duilgheadasan a tha an cois rianachd iomairt dha leithid.

Tha iomadh aoigh ainmeil air thadhal air Caisteal Chinn Chàrdainn tro na bliadhnaichean. Tha nàbaidhean a' Bhanrigh, Anndra Bradford agus a bhean Nicola a' fuireach leotha fhèin sa chaisteal Ghàidhealach seo anns a bheil 75 seòmar.

Bidh Anndra a' coimhead às dèidh an fhearainn fhad 's a bhios Nicola a' ruith "Kincardine Kitchen", far am bi i a' dèanamh 's a' reic aran goirid, piceal agus silidh.

Bidh Nicky a' cluiche an òrgain san eaglais ionadail far am bi Anndra, am ministear, a' lìbhrigeadh an t-searmoin. Caithidh sinn ùine còmhla riutha 's iad a' deasachadh dìnnearan, a' cur iasgach is sealg air dòigh agus a' tadhal air na geamaichean Gàidhealach ionadail.

Great Estates takes an in-depth look at the workings of four country estates through the eyes of the current owners, the ghillies, the gardeners and the housekeepers. The series documents the inner workings of an estate and the complexities of managing such an operation.

Kincardine castle has played host to many famous people through the years. The Queen's neighbours, Andrew Bradford and his wife Nicola, live alone in this 75-room Highland castle. Andrew looks after the grounds and Nicola runs the Kincardine Kitchen, making and selling hortbreads, chutneys and preserves. Nicky plays the organ in the local church where Andrew, who is the local minister, takes the sermon.

We will spend time with the couple as they organise dinners and arrange fishing and shooting and follow them when they visit the local Highland games.

55 minutes
