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Mar a Chunnaic Mise: Nancy Dorian agus a' Ghaidhlig

Documentary following Professor Nancy C Dorian, a linguist who has spent a large part of her academic career studying the speech of the last speakers of East Sutherland Gaelic.

Na bu thr脿ighe dhen bhliadhna chaidh ceum urramach a bhuileachadh air a' ch脿nanaiche chl霉iteach, An t-脌rd-Oll. Nancy C. Dorian, a tha air m貌ran bhliadhnaichean a chuir seachad a' rannsachadh luchd-bruidhinn mu dheireadh dual-chainnt G脿idhlig taobh sear Chataibh. Ann an Mar a' Chunnaic Mise: Nancy Dorian agus a' Gh脿idhlig cothrom barrachd fhaighinn a-mach mu a rannsachadh air an dual-chainnt sh貌nraichte seo agus d脿imh aice ris an dithis pheathraichean a tha ga chumail be貌.

In 2015, Glasgow University conferred an honorary degree on Professor Nancy C Dorian, an eminent linguist who has spent a large part of her academic career studying the speech of the last speakers of East Sutherland Gaelic. This programme offers a chance to find out more about her work in the coastal villages of Brora, Golspie and Embo and her enduring friendships with two of the last remaining speakers of this dying dialect.

29 minutes

Last on

Fri 21 Jun 2024 20:30
