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Based on letters and journals, many of which have never been published before, this programme tells the story of 1914-18 solely through the eyes of those who lived through it.

Air ais anns a' chiad leth dhen bhliadhna 1914, b' ann tro leabhraichean na sgoile neo ann am pàipearan-naidheachd a bu mhotha a bha sluagh ag ionnsachadh mu chogaidhean. Ach, nuair a chaidh oighre rìoghail Na h-Ostair a mhurt ann an Sarajevo meadhan na bliadhna sin, sgap an cogadh fad is farsaing agus dh'fhàs iad uile mion-eòlach air an uabhas a bha na chois. Am measg nan sgeulachdan sa phrògram seo tha cuid bho bhanaltram-taiceil Albannach a dh'fhalbh dhan Bheilg leis an Arm Bhreatannach mar phàirt do dh'onair nàiseanta; nighean Chossagach a lean a h-athair dhan bhlàr; màthair Ghearmailteach a dh'fhulang bristeadh-cridhe bàs a mic; balach-sgoile Frangach a chunnaic a dhùthaich fo smachd nan Gearmailteach; nighean-sgoile Ghearmailteach nach robh math facal Fraingis a chleachdadh sa chlas; agus bho fhear-naidheachd òg a bh' air a shàrachadh air sàilleabh aois. Tha leabhraichean-latha gach fear agus tè dhiubh seo a' lìbhrigeadh cùisean gu fìrinneach tron eòlas fhèin, rud nach eil tric ann an tùsan eachdraidheil, le sgeulachdan cumhachdach làn faireachdainnean mu chall pearsanta, gaol, toileachas, cràdh agus trom mhulad.

Mar sin, tro dhràma dhlùth-aithriseach chumhachdach, tha an luchd-amhairc a' faighinn sealladh dhen chogadh as brùideile a chunnaiceas riamh, tro bheachdan agus shùilean nan truaghan a bha na mheasg neo na phàirt dheth. Tha Leabhraichean-latha a' Chogaidh Mhòir a' taisbeanadh fèin-fhiosrachadh mic-an-duine eadar 1914-1918, gun ghuth air mìneachaidhean neo sgrùdadh

Based on letters and journals, many of which have never been published before, Great War Diaries tells the story of 1914-18 solely through the eyes of those who lived through it.

In 1914, most people's knowledge of war comes from schoolbooks and newspapers. But when the heir to the Austrian throne is killed in Sarajevo, the system of alliances runs its inevitable course. Featuring the stories of a Scottish auxiliary nurse who accompanies the British army to Belgium as a matter of national honour, a young Cossack girl who follows her father into battle, a German mother who endures the untimely death of her only son, a French schoolboy who witnesses his country under occupation, a German schoolgirl who is forbidden to use French words in class and an English journalist whose age is held against him. Their diaries focus on what archive and historical analysis cannot reveal - personal tragedy, love, happiness, pain and grief.

Through glorious dramatic reconstruction, viewers experience the greatest war mankind had ever seen from the perspective of what it was like from within. Great War Diaries reveals the simple human experience of 1914-18, unsullied by historical interpretation.

59 minutes

Last on

Wed 20 Nov 2019 23:00


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