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Là Trang aig an Rìgh/The King's Busy Day

Children's series. Holly spends the day with King Thistle. He is very busy, but Holly helps him realise what fun his royal duties can be.

Tha latha trang gu bhith aig an Rìgh Cluaran 's tha Hoilidh gus a chuideachadh le chuid ghnìomhan. Còmhla, tha iad a' cur bàta air bhog, a' breithneachadh aig co-fharpais mheasan agus a' toirt seachad òraid aig Fèis Dhannsa nan Sìthichean.

Holly spends the day with King Thistle on his royal duties. King Thistle is very busy. He must launch an elf boat, judge a fairy fruit competition and make a speech at the Festival of Elf and Fairy Dancing. Holly helps the king realise what fun his royal duties can be.

15 minutes
