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Episode 3

Episode 3 of 5

Mary Ann Kennedy presents music from the Celtic Connections festival, including singer Adam Cohen, Danu appearing with the legendary Donal Lunny, and Breabach.

An treas prògram de cheòl air a lìbhrigeadh le Màiri Anna NicUalraig, an t-sàr chraoladair agus neach-ciùil. Chaidh Seirm, le farsaingeachd den cheòl bu bheòthail 's a b' fheàrr a bha aig fèis Celtic Connections, a chlàradh air beulaibh luchd-èisteachd ann an àrainneachd dhrùidhteach Cottiers Theatre, seann eaglais air taobh siar Ghlaschu anns am Faoilleach, 2015. Anns a' phrògram roghainneach seo tha feadhainn den luchd-ciùil as fheàrr bhon fhèis. A-nochd air Seirm, chithear an t-seinneadair ainmeil Adam Cohen as na Stàitean Aonaichte. Tha Seirm a' dèanamh uaill à ceòl Ceilteach, na mheasg ceòl bho chuid den luchd-ciùil as fheàrr a th' ann an Alba agus Èirinn, na measg Danú - leis an t-sàr neach-ciùil Dónal Lunny - agus Breabach, còmhlan barraichte à Alba a tha air deagh chliù a chosnadh dhaibh p'fhèin.

The third episode of the music series Seirm is presented by top musician and broadcaster Mary Ann Kennedy. Filmed in the atmospheric Cottiers Theatre before an audience at the Celtic Connections music festival in January 2015, this eclectic show features performances from the best of the festival alongside some unique musical collaborations.

Appearing in this episode is the acclaimed singer Adam Cohen. Seirm celebrates Celtic music including the some of the best musicians from Scotland and Ireland in the shape of Danú - appearing with the legendary Dónal Lunny - and the brilliant Breabach.

1 hour

Last on

Fri 17 Feb 2017 22:05


Role Contributor
Presenter Mary Ann Kennedy
Performer Adam Cohen
Music Group Breabach
