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Plenty of fun in the studio with Derek and Megan. Kevin from Uist talks about his hobbies, and pupils from Millbank Primary School in Nairn take on the schools' hopper challenge.

Plòidh is fealla-dhà san stiùidio an t-seachdains cuide ri Megan agus Derek. Bidh Kevin à Uibhist ag innse mu na cur-seachadan aigesan agus tha dùbhlan Puingean nam Boingean ro sgoilearan à Bun-sgoil Bhruach a' Mhuilinn ann an Inbhir Narann.

Plenty of fun in the Dè a-nis? studio in this episode with Derek and Megan. Kevin from Uist tells us all about his favourite hobbies, and pupils from Millbank Primary School in Nairn take on the schools' hopper challenge.

30 minutes

