Ron Glas/Sully the Grey Seal
Sully the grey seal pup has just four short weeks before he heads out to sea alone.
Sreath a tha a' toirt thugainn fiosrachadh a tha inntinneach agus iongantach mu chuid de na h-ainmhidhean as fheà rr leinn. Tha Robaidh an ròn glas dìreach air a bhreith is mu thrà th tha e ann an trioblaid. Tha e air trà igh fhuar, fhliuch is ghaothach ach 's ann an seo a dh'fheumas e ionnsachadh ann an ceithir seachdainean goirid na sgilean a tha a dhìth mus tog e air a-mach dhan chuan leis fhèin air turas a bheatha. O mhà thair a bhith cur cùl ris aig an toiseach gu e bhith glacte air creig leis fhèin, tha òige Robaidh là n rudan ris nach robh dùil. Am faigh e a-chaoidh air falbh on trà igh gu bhith na fhear de iongnaidhean na mara, comasach air dà ibheadh nas doimhne na 300 meatair?
Investigative guides which reveal amazing facts about members of the animal kingdom.
Sully the grey seal pup has just been born and already he's in trouble. On a cold, wet and windy beach, he must learn all he needs to know in just four short weeks before heading out to sea alone on the journey of a lifetime.
From being abandoned, to getting stranded on a rock in a storm, Sully's infanthood is full of surprises. Will he ever make it off the beach to become a wonder of the sea, able to dive deeper than 300 metres?
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An rionnag ròn againn - Robbie
Duration: 02:53
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