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Aleesha the American Alligator

This episode features Aleesha, a baby American alligator who is queen of her swamp and part of a clutch of 40 brothers and sisters.

Sreath a tha a' toirt thugainn fiosrachadh a tha inntinneach agus iongantach mu chuid de na h-ainmhidhean as fhe脿rr leinn uile. An-diugh, tha sinn ag ionnsachadh mu ailigeutair Ameireaganach 貌g air a bheil Aleesha. Tha Aleesha na b脿nrigh air a boglaich fh猫in. Ach, nuair a tha thu cho beag ri seo, tha h-uile c脿il ag iarraidh d' ithe.

Chan eil beatha furasta do dh'ailigeutair 貌g aig 脿m sam bith, ach ged tha Aleesha beag chan eil i idir bog. Tro a s霉ilean, ch矛 sinn mar is e n脿imhdean cunnartach a th' ann an ailigeutairean fon uisge; mar a dh'fheumas iad a bhith a' gabhail na gr猫ine airson fuireach be貌, agus mar a tha a' bheuc aca cho 脿rd 's gu faodadh e do chlaisneachd a mhilleadh.

Investigative guides which reveal amazing facts about members of the animal kingdom. This episode follows Aleesha, a young American alligator. When you're this small, everything wants to eat you.

Life as a young alligator is never easy, but Aleesha is tough. This episode reveals how alligators are the perfect underwater predators, how they have to sunbathe to stay alive and that their roar is loud enough to damage a person's hearing.

21 minutes
