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Siorcas Shiona/Chinese Circus School

Documentary focussing on China's Wuqiao School of Acrobatic Arts, where children as young as seven go to live and learn the art of acrobatics.

Ann an Sgoil Wiqiao Acrobataigs Shìona, tha clann cho òg ri seachd bliadhna a dh'aois a' tighinn gus am beatha a bhogadh ann an acrobataigs. 'S e an tàlant aca a dh'fhàg iad an seo, ach feumaidh iad barrachd air an sin: feumaidh iad neart inntinn, diongbhaltas agus miann làidir gus a bhith soirbheachail san ealain sgileil is sean seo.

Sa phrògram seo, chìthear feadhainn dhe na sgoilearan òg ann an Sgoil Wuqiao, agus ionnsaichear na tha a' toirt orra na dachaighean agus na teaghlaichean aca fhàgail airson beatha a tha gu tric cruaidh is làn de thrèanadh agus de cheannsachadh.

Tha uallach buileach mòr air na prìomh sgoilearan. Chan e a-mhàin gum feum iad na h-amasan aca fhèin 's an cuid theaghlaichean a ruighinn, ach feumaidh iad cuideachd ainm is cliù Sgoil Wuqiao àrdachadh aig fèisean is farpaisean nàiseanta. Airson nan cleasaichean òga seo, tha cuideam an uallaich da-rìribh air na gualainnean aca.

At China's Wuqiao School of Acrobatic Arts, children as young as seven come to live and breathe acrobatics. They are there because they have raw talent - but raw talent will only take them so far. They will also need emotional strength, determination and an incredible desire to succeed in this ancient but highly demanding art form.

This programme features some of Wuqiao's young pupils and discover what drives them to leave their homes and families for a regimented and often gruelling life of discipline and training. For the top students the pressure is even greater.

Not only must they meet their own goals and fulfil the ambitions of their families, but they are also keepers of Wuqiao School's formidable reputation at national acrobatic festivals and competitions. For these young athletes, the weight of responsibility is - literally - on their shoulders.

50 minutes
