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Olga the Otter

Investigative guides about members of the animal kingdom. Featuring Olga, a baby sea otter who spends her life at sea, foraging underwater for food.

Sreath a tha a' toirt thugainn fiosrachadh a tha inntinneach agus iongantach mu chuid de na h-ainmhidhean as fheàrr leinn. An-diugh tha sinn a' coinneachadh ri, Olga, dòbhran mara òg a tha beò aig muir, a' sireadh biadh fon uisge agus a' cumail a bian uisge-dìonach.

Tro sgeulachd iongantach Olga, ionnsaichidh tu tòrr mu dhòbhrain mara. Tha Olga a' cur a beatha seachad anns a' chuain, a' sireadh biadh fon uisge agus, nuair a tha ùine aice, a' sèideadh èadhar bhlàth tro bian airson a chumail uisge-dìonach.

Chì thu mar a bhios dòbhrain mara a' giùlain clach leotha airson maorach a phronnadh agus mar a tha iad a' dèanamh duvet feamainn airson cadal sa mhuir. Le màthair mhìorbhaileach airson a stiùireadh agus a dìon, tha h-uile coltas gu soirbhich le Olga.

Investigative guides which reveal amazing facts about members of the animal kingdom.

Today's focus is on baby sea otter, Olga, who spends her entire life at sea. Through Olga's story, we learn all about sea otters. The young otter spends hours foraging underwater, learning how to carry round a stone to smash open seafood and working out how to use a seaweed duvet to sleep in the surf. All this and blow-drying her fur in between!

With a marvellous mum to guide and protect her, Olga has got the best possible chance of success.

22 minutes
