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Wilbur the Wildebeest

Investigative guides about members of the animal kingdom. Featuring Wilbur, who as a wildebeest, learns how to walk within minutes of being born.

Sreath a' toirt thugainn fiosrachadh a tha inntinneach agus iongantach mu chuid de na h-ainmhidhean as fheàrr leinn. An-diugh, sgeulachd Wilbur a' wildebeest. Dh'ionnsaich e coiseachd dìreach còig mionaidean an dèidh a bhreith oir, as a' bhad, tha aige ri tòiseachadh air turas gun chrìch, fad mìltean chilemeatairean, a' sireadh biadh.

A' siubhal còmhla ri Wilbur is an treud, gheibh sinn tòrr fiosrachadh mu wildebeestan. Chì sinn mar is toigh le leòmhainn, liopardan is haidhèana-an iad air an dìnneir; mar a bhios iad a' leantainn fàileadh lorgan casan càch a chèile agus mar a bhios iad a' dol tarsainn air aibhnichean as a bheil crogaill gus faighinn chun fheur is guirme 's as mìlse. Saoil a bheil Wilbur treun gu leòr airson
turas cho cunnartach?

Investigative guides which reveal amazing facts about members of the animal kingdom.

Today, the story of Wilbur the wildebeest. Wilbur learns to walk just five minutes after being born, because right away he begins an endless journey of thousands of kilometres in the quest for food.

As we travel with Wilbur and the herd, we find out everything you ever wanted to know about wildebeest. How they are dish of the day for lions, leopards and hyenas; how they follow the scent of each other's footsteps and how they brave crocodile infested rivers in their determination to reach the sweetest, greenest grass.

On such a journey, facing so many hazards, has Wilbur got what it takes to survive?

21 minutes
