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Drine - Na h-Ã’rain aig Rob Donn

A concert of the songs of Rob Donn Mackay, the Durness Bard, featuring James Graham, Catriona Macleod, William Morrison and other singers and musicians from the district.

Cruinneachadh de dh'òrain a sgrìobh Rob Donn, bàrd Dhiùranais, air an seinn le Seumas Greumach, Catriona Nicleòid, Uilleam Moireasdan agus seinneadairean 's luchd-ciùil bhon sgìre. A concert of the songs of Rob Donn Mackay, the Durness Bard, featuring James Graham, Catriona Macleod, William Morrison and other singers and musicians from the district.

30 minutes

Last on

Wed 31 Dec 2014 22:00


  • Wed 31 Dec 2014 22:00