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The Great Gathering

Performances from Celtic Connections 2014, as all-star bands take to the stage at the Old Fruitmarket for a night of contemporary folk and ceilidh music.

Rionnagan cèol folk bho'n Fruitmarket. A' cur barrachd is teagamh anns a' bheachd gu bheil e
follaiseach far a bheil a' chuirm a' crìochnachadh agus an dannsa-cèilidh a' tòiseachadh. Bidh an cluicheadair bogsa cliùiteach, Alasdair MacCumhais agus an sàr fhìdhleir Sealtainneach, Chris Stout, a' cur casan is cinn ann an sùnnd le oidhche air leth de dh'òrain 's de cheòl.

Chan ann gun adhbhar a chaidh an sgioba seo a' chomharrachadh The Great Gathering, le measgachadh mìorbhaileach de luchd-ciùil a' gabhail thairis an àrd-ùrlar sa Fruitmarket airson oidhche chumhachdach de cheòl dùthchais is ceòl cèilidh.

A concert that upends preconceived notions of where a concert ends and cèilidh dancing begins. Renowned accordionist Alasdair MacCuish and top Shetland fiddler Chris Stout channel magic to our screens through a night of songs and tunes to make something for the head and for the feet.

The Great Gathering sees a brilliant ensemble cast of contemporary musicians taking to the stage of the Old Fruitmarket for a mix of high-octane contemporary folk and ceilidh music.

28 minutes
