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Episode 5

Episode 5 of 6

Documentary series. The Paediatric Retrieval Service head to Wishaw for a five-week-old baby who is struggling to breathe after a viral infection gets serious.

Aig cridhe Seirbheis Nàiseanta na Slàinte ann an Alba, tha an t-Seirbheis Gairm Chloinne a' solarachadh seirbheis sònraichte. Latha 's a dh'oidhche, tha sgioba de dhotairean agus luchd-altraim deiseil airson cùram-lèigh a thoirt do chloinn ge bith càite a bheil iad ann an Alba.

Air an t-seachdain-sa, pàisde còig seachdainean a dh'aois à Wishaw a' fulang le bhìoras agus a' strì le anail, a' dol gu Ospadal Yorkhill ann an Glaschu.

Leanabh air a ghiùlain eadar Inbhir Nis agus Dùn Èideann airson obair-lannsa a tha deatamach nuair a bha a bheul a' sileadh fala às dèidh obair-lannsa air braighe-beòil.
Agus leanabh fìor thinn à Beal Feairste, a' fulang le trioblaidean sgamhain agus cridhe, a' dol air plèana a Ghlaschu gu ionad dlùth-aire.

The Scottish Paediatric Retrieval Service provides a unique and vital service at the heart of Scotland's NHS. Operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, this team of specialist doctors and nurses are on call to ensure that critically ill children receive life-saving treatment wherever they are in Scotland.

In this episode, a five-week-old baby in Wishaw with a viral infection is having severe breathing difficulties and urgently needs to get to Yorkhill Hospital in Glasgow. A child is transferred from Inverness to Edinburgh for emergency treatment when bleeding following a cleft palate operation causes serious concern. And a critically ill child in Belfast, suffering a severe heart and lung condition, is flown to Glasgow for specialist care.

30 minutes
