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Jessie Ware; Tory Party Conference

Looking at female activists at the Tory conference and the support of children with special needs as they settle into secondary school. Plus Jessie Ware sings live.

Jessie Ware sings her latest single, Say You Love Me. We talk to female activists at the Tory conference, and some of the women hoping to become Conservative MPs about what they hope to do this week to connect with women voters. Supporting children with special needs as they try to settle into secondary school.

We discuss comments in a family court that seem to suggest divorcing couples should avoid new relationships as they may impact on any financial settlement. And following our discussion of 'lad culture' at university and colleges we speak to women's officers from 10 and 20 years ago to see how things have changed.

Presenter: Jane Garvey
Producer: Jane Thurlow.

Available now

58 minutes


  • Conservative Party Conference

    We hear from women who are active members of a political party.

    Duration: 12:31

  • Jessie Ware

    The Mercury Prize nominee sings her latest single, Say You Love Me in the studio.

    Duration: 09:31

  • Campus Culture

    How has life on university campuses changed for women over the years?

    Duration: 08:42

  • Divorce Settlements

    Should divorcing couples avoid new relationships until after their divorce settlement?

    Duration: 05:02

  • SEN Pupils at Secondary School

    What are the best ways to make the transfer to secondary school successful?

    Duration: 05:54

Conservative Party Conference

All the political parties are busy talking about what women voters want and setting their priorities. As part of our coverage of the party conferences this autumn, we find out what the Conservatives are saying this week. We’ve been hearing from some of the women who are active members of a political party, about why they do it and what difference they feel it makes. Of course, some of the keenest campaigners are those who are standing for seats in parliament next May. Jane talks to some of the women hoping to become MPs about what they hope to do this week to connect with women voters.

Jessie Ware

nominee will be singing her latest single, ÌýSay You Love Me live in the studio.Ìý Two years after her first album, Devotion was released to critical acclaim and success, Jessie Ware is about to release her second, Tough Love, only a couple of weeks after getting married. The 29-year old South Londoner joins Jane to talk about love, family, and confidence.


Tough Love is released 13 October.

Campus Culture

Recent statistics show that ‘Lad Culture’ is on the rise in universities, but has life in university always been blighted by some form of misogyny? Lorna Fitzsimons was the National Union of Student’s President from 1992 to 1994 and was involved in various campaigns aimed to improve the plight of female students in the early 90’s. Gemma Tumelty was the NUS president from 2006 to 2008 and dealt with the first forms of online gender bullying. And Alice Phillips is the former Women’s Officer from the University of Bristol who set up the ‘Spotted: Sexism in Bristol’ Facebook page. They will join Jane to discuss university life as they experienced it and consider how things have changed.


Divorce Settlement

A recent judgement in a divorce case is causing concern in Family Law circles as it seems to suggest divorcing couples ought to avoid new relationships until after their divorce settlement. Mr Justice Mostyn, in giving his written ruling following a family court hearing in Swansea took into account a wife’s new relationship when deciding how much money she was entitled to and warned that women risked losing out as judges might well assume she would set up home with a new partner and not need as much support. Marilyn Stowe from Stowe Family Law explains the impact this could have.


Transitioning from primary to secondary school can be a difficult time for any child. Anxiety about new friends, unknown buildings and different teachers can affect their behaviour and confidence. But for the 1.6 million Special Education Needs (SEN) pupils in Britain, and their parents, making the move to ‘big school’ can be incredibly stressful and disruptive. So what are the ?


Role Contributor
Presenter Jane Garvey
Interviewed Guest Nusrat Ghani
Interviewed Guest Rebecca Coulson
Interviewed Guest Jessie Ware
Interviewed Guest Alice Phillips
Interviewed Guest Gemma Tumelty
Interviewed Guest Lorna Fitzsimons
Interviewed Guest Marilyn Stowe
Interviewed Guest Beth Purser
Interviewed Guest Mary Hartshorne
Producer Jane Thurlow


  • Mon 29 Sep 2014 10:00

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