Na h-Uilebheistean/I'm a Monster Episodes Episode guide
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Take to the sky in Baba-Yaga's flying mortar.
An Tsukumogami/The Tsukumogami
Thathar ann an Iapan le creutair annasach. We're in Japan to meet a very strange creature.
An Wendigo/The Wendigo
The wendigo is a terrifying thing indeed.
An Selkie/The Selkie
Will you fall under the spell of the selkie?
An Hydra/The Hydra
Are you able to count the many heads of the hydra?
Am Mothman/The Mothman
Saoil am faighear lorg air am Mothman? Will we find the elusive mothman today?
Seo an t-Oni le fhiaclan 's a spuirean gheur. Here comes the Oni with his sharp talons.
An toir Puca do char asad le dhiofar chruthan? Will puca fool you with his many guises?
Na Sirens/The Sirens
The sirens would like to sing their song for you but what will come of listening to them?
An Zombie/Zombie
'S ann truagh a tha beatha an Zombie bhochd. Can we cheer up this poor, sad Zombie?
Herne an Sealgair/Herne the Hunter
Abair g' eil sgeul inntinneach aig Herne. An interesting tale from Herne the Hunter.
Here's Golem, a monster with a difference from Prague, a monster made entirely from clay.
El Chupacabra
Keep those animals safely hidden away, we hear that El Chupacabra is on the loose.
Am Bòcan/Goblin
Tha am bòcan beag ach abair g' eil e na dhragh. Meet the small, but troublesome, Goblin.
An Charybdis/Charybdis
An tig ur glacadh le cuairt-shruth Charybdis? Don't get caught in Charybdis's whirlpool.
An Warewolf/Werewolf
Coinnichibh am madadh mollach, eagallach seo. Come and meet this scary, hairy monster.
Seac cho Easgaidh/Spring-Heeled Jack
Dèan leum comh' ris a bhalach easgaidh, Seac. Run and jump with Spring-heeled Jack.
An Centaur/Centaur
Seall an Centaur ainmeil le slinnean eich. Meet the centaur, famous for her withers.
Am Bigfoot/Bigfoot
Seo agaibh Bigfoot ach dè no cò a th' ann? Here's Bigfoot, but what or who is it exactly?
An Ghoul/The Ghoul
Tha An Ghoul là n eachdraidh inntinneach. The ghoul has a few historical tales to tell.
An Taibhs/The Ghost
The ghost has many tales of woe to tell, but first she must be found.
An Gargoyle/The Gargoyle
Gabh turas a Pharis 's coinnich an Gargoyle. Take a trip to Paris to meet the Gargoyle.
A' Bhean Uasal Oilteil/Lady Ogre
Meet the fearsome Lady Ogre, who is feeling hungry.
Am Minotaur/The Minotaur
Come meet the Minotaur, a man with a bull's head who was locked in Daedalus's labyrinth.
An Kraken/The Kraken
The Kraken, a monstrous creature of the deep.
An Kappa/Kappa
Meet Kappa, a water monster from Japan.
An Gibearnach Mòr/The Giant Squid
The giant squid tells how he lives way down in the depths of the ocean.
Na Fiuraidhs/The Furies
The Furies tell us how they are always mad, angry and enraged!
Echidna tells of how she is more than just another armless, pretty maiden.
D.C., Donas Cait/D.C. Demon Cat
D.C. Demon Cat tells of his life in Washington D.C.