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Mic Afraga/Sons of Africa

Documentary following the sons of Idi Amin and Julius Nyerere, as they come together to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

Ann an naoi-ceud-deug seachdad 's a naoi, an dèidh cogadh uabhasach, rinn armachd Julius Nyerere - am fear a stèidhich Tanzania - a chùis air an deachdair, Idi Amin. A-nise, còrr is trichead bliadhna an dèidh nan tachartasan sin, tha mic Idi Amin agus Julius Nyerere air a thighinn còmhla airson tachartas samhlachail ath-rèiteachaidh.

Tha iad a' dìreadh Beinn Kilimanjaro còmhladh. Fhad 's a tha Madaraka agus Jaffar a' dìreadh gu Mullach Afraga, tha iad a' bruidhinn air a' bheachd a bh' aca air cach a chèile; air an dàimh a bh' aca le na h-athraichean cumhachdach aca; agus na tha air thoiseach dha Afraga san là an-diugh.

In 1979, after a brutal war, the army of Julius Nyerere - founding father of Tanzania - overthrew Ugandan dictator Idi Amin. Now, more than 30 years on, the sons of Idi Amin and Julius Nyerere have come together for a symbolic act of reconciliation: climbing Mount Kilimanjaro together.

As Madaraka and Jaffar make their way up to the Roof of Africa, they discuss the way they see one
another, the relationships they had with their powerful fathers, and the future of modern Africa.

54 minutes
