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Episode 1

Episode 1 of 2

Catriona MacPhee takes a nostalgic trip through Glasgow, touching on many topics including the River Clyde, the Barras, the music scene and the Gaels living in the city.

Tha Catrìona Nic a' Phì gar toirt air chuairt àbhachdach tro Ghlaschu. Bho Abhainn Chluaidh le eachdraidh ceangailte ri malairt agus a bhith a' togail bhàtaichean, gu na Barras agus daoine le dòigh-labhairt air leth.

Le ceòl bho riamh air a bhith na phàirt de bheatha muinntir Ghlaschu, chithear criomagan às an tasglann bho leithid Simple Minds, Lulu, Alasdair McDonald agus Calum Ceanadach, cuide ri ceòl na pìoba bho Na Worlds. Bidh Gàidheil Ghlaschu a' cuimhneachadh air Aitreabh nan Gàidheal agus Bùth a' Mhòid, agus air Taigh-òsta na Pàirce air am bi na Gàidheil a' tadhal gu math tric.

Am measg na bhios a' toirt am beachdan seachad, bidh Alex Norton, Sanjeev Kohli, Michelle McManus, Cathy NicDhòmhnaill agus Tony Kearney, agus chithear criomagan às an tasglann bho leithid Stanley Baxter, Billy Connolly, Kevin Bridges agus Rab C Nesbitt.

Presenter Catriona MacPhee takes a nostalgic and humorous journey through the city of Glasgow from the River Clyde with its historic shipbuilding and trading past, to the Barras and the unique Glasgow patter.

Music is a feature of life in Glasgow and the programme features archival performances from Simple Minds, Lulu, Alastair MacDonald and Calum Kennedy, as well as the rousing sound of the pipe bands at The Worlds. Glasgow Gaels reflect on memories of the Highlander's Institute and the Mod Shop, as well as the Park Bar, which every Gael visits at one time or another.

A host of personalities including Alex Norton, Sanjeev Kohli, Michelle McManus, Cathy MacDonald and Tony Kearney are featured along with archive clips from Stanley Baxter, Billy Connolly, Kevin Bridges and Rab C Nesbitt who provides his own unique take on city life.

1 hour

Last on

Fri 14 Jun 2019 21:00

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Role Contributor
Presenter Catriona MacPhee
