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Episode 5 of 8

Series in which cook and artist Heather Dewar explores Hebridean communities. In this episode, Heather explores the Isle of Eigg, in the Small Isles.

Tha an neach-ealain Fraoch Nic an Deòir a'leantail oirre le a cuairt tro na h-eileanan, a-nis a'tadhal air Eige sna h-Eileanan Beaga. Bhon a tha i fhèin dèidheil air gàirneilearachd, tha e a'còrdadh rithe glan cluinntinn mu na cùrsaichean a tha Niall MacDhonnchaidh a' cumail air a chruit - gun sgeul air todhar Gallda!

Tha Camille Dressler, eòlaiche air eachdraidh ionadal, ga toirt gu làrach latha dorcha air an eilean - Uamh Fhraing, far an robh mort sgriosail san 16mh linn. Tha Magaidh Fyffe ag innse dhi mar dh'obraich 16 bliadhna de shealbh coimhearsnachd, agus tha Tasha Lancaster a'mìneachadh cho cudromach sa tha obair saor-thoileach ann am beatha an eilein - agus chan iad a mhàin na h-eileanaich a tha ag obair.

Agus airson sùil air ais gu Eige mar a bha, tha Fraoch a'tadhal air Taigh-tasgaidh Chruiteireachd Chlèadail, taigh cruite dìreach mar a bha e sna lathaichean a dh'fhalbh.

Artist and cook Heather Dewar continues her tour of the islands, stopping off at Eigg in the Small Isles. A keen gardener herself, Heather is delighted to meet Neil Robertson who runs organic gardening courses from his beautifully situated croft.

Local historian Camille Dressler takes Heather to the scene of a dark moment in the island's past - Uamh Fhraing, where a dreadful massacre took place in the 16th century. Heather visits Maggie Fyffe who looks back on Eigg's 16 years under community ownership before meeting Tasha Lancaster who tells Heather how crucial voluntary work - by both islanders and visitors - is to the running of the island.

To round it all off Heather gets a glimpse of what Eigg would have been like in years gone by as she is shown round Cleadale Crofting Museum, a beautifully preserved croft house kept as it would have been in the 1900s.

29 minutes

Last on

Tue 6 Feb 2018 19:00
